私は数年前に Pixel スティックを購入し、信じられないほどの結果を生み出しました。そのコンセプトは、ライト スティックに任意のビットマップ画像を追加でき、長時間露光を使用してそれを投影し、長時間露光を使用してあらゆる種類の背景効果を実現できるというものです。
I bought the Pixel stick few years ago and made incredible results, the concept is you are able to add any bitmap image into the light stick, and it will project it using long exposure, you can achieve any type of background effect using long exposure.
i backed up the project early on in kickstarter, then i bought their product on their website for more than 1000USD.
I am selling the pixel stick as i don\'t do light painting and long exposure photography, so this amazing and visionary product should be in the proper hands of another creative who can utilize it to its full potential.