【新品未開封】LaLa Land レコード希少なスコア盤とサントラ盤の2点セットサントラ盤はblack versionです。【New and Unopened!!】LaLa Land RecordsThis is a set of two rare records, one is score disc and the other is soundtrack disc.『スコア盤』LA LA LAND(ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SCORE) [2LP] Disc11Mia Gets Home2Bathroom Mirror3Classic Rope-A-Dope4Mia & Sebastian\'s Theme5Stroll Up the Hill6There the Whole Time7Bogart & Bergman8Mia Hates Jazz9Herman\'s HabitDisc21Rialto at Ten2Rialto3Mia & Sebastian\'s Theme4Planetarium5Holy Hell 6Summer Montage7It Pay8Chicken on a Stick9City of StarsDisc31Chinatown2Surprise3Boise4Missed the Play5It\'s OverDisc41The House in Front of the Library2You Love Jazz Now3Cincinnati4Epilogue5The End6Credits7Mia『サントラ盤』black verディスク: 11Another Day of Sun2Someone in the Crowd3Mia & Sebastian\'s Theme4A Lovely Night5Herman\'s Habit6City of Stars7Planetariumディスク: 21Summer Montage2City of Stars3Start a Fire4Engagement Party5Audition6Epilogue / the End7City of Stars